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HomeUncategorizedHigh heat index values to close out the work week

High heat index values to close out the work week

WACO, Texas (KWTX) – A First Alert Weather Team has extended the First Alert Weather Day to Friday as we’ll have another day of a dangerous combination of heat and humidity.

Another hot and humid day of weather is forthcoming for Central Texas. Actual temperatures may not reach 100° in a few spots, but high humidity will bring heat index values to around 110° late this afternoon!(KWTX)

High temperatures for many areas of Central Texas on Friday will be a bit cooler than they were Thursday, but highs will still range between 95° and 102°. It’s the humidity that will do us in today with heat index values between 105-112°.

Another hot and humid day of weather is forthcoming for Central Texas. Actual temperatures may...
Another hot and humid day of weather is forthcoming for Central Texas. Actual temperatures may not reach 100° in a few spots, but high humidity will bring heat index values to around 110° late this afternoon!(KWTX)

The National Weather Service has extended the Excessive Heat Warning to include Bosque, Hill, Hamilton, and McLennan Counties with the rests of the area (except for Leon County) under a heat advisory.

Another hot and humid day of weather is forthcoming for Central Texas. Actual temperatures may...
Another hot and humid day of weather is forthcoming for Central Texas. Actual temperatures may not reach 100° in a few spots, but high humidity will bring heat index values to around 110° late this afternoon!(KWTX)

These style of extreme heat index values, combined with the very hot temperatures we have seen the last few days, will lead to an increase risk for heat related illness.

Heat Safety Tips
Heat Safety Tips(KWTX)

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